One does not usually travel to France to eat a burger. To climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower or to gaze at the stained glass windows of Nôtre-Dame de Paris – yes, but to eat a burger? Not really. But soon you just might. A recently released study by Gira Conseil showed that burgers have become a new favourite food among the French.
In an interview, Paris-based restaurant researcher Gira Conseil explained, “The explosion of burgers is coming from restaurants. It is affordable and chefs want to show they can make a quality burger.” And with three-quarters of France’s restaurants featuring a burger on their menu and 977 million burgers sold last year, chefs are getting the chance to shine.
But it isn’t just the fancy restaurants that are benefiting from the burger boom. McDonald’s and burger trucks are also seeing a lot of the action.
Will the burger be the death of French food as we know it or will it just inspire creative combinations – Nutella and Mimolette cheeseburger anyone?